F.EE is a member of the "EPLAN Partner Network“
For more than 25 years, the enterprise software "FactWork" from the house of F.EE has decisively contributed to the improvement of transparency and consistency of processes at medium-sized project and contract manufacturers from a wide range of industries. True to the motto "From practice - for practice", the development team at the automation specialist F.EE has always attached great importance to a continuous practice-oriented further development of the ERP system as well as the provision of corresponding interfaces and integration solutions. With this in mind, the company is continuing its long-standing partnership with EPLAN and has recently become a member of the "EPLAN Partner Network", which defines binding development goals and thus bundles the know-how of partners from the automation and IT sectors in the areas of PLM, ERP, PLC and simulation.
Hans Fleischmann, Managing Director of the F.EE Group of Companies, explains: "The membership in the Partner Network as well as the interaction of FactWork and EPLAN Electric P8 creates a real added value for the users of both software solutions in practice."
The coupling of "FactWork" and EPLAN provides both the option of central maintenance of the complete parts master in "FactWork" (including EPLAN-specific features) and the division of commercial and technical parts information between the ERP system and EPLAN, with automatic connection of the two part parts masters. Even parts transferred from the "EPLAN Data Portal" are automatically inserted into the part master(s) - according to the selected default setting.

The integration of "EPLAN" into the company software "FactWork" also enables the direct insertion of parts into the corresponding schematic - either from the "FactWork" or the EPLAN parts master. In both cases, the parts list of the schematic can be read directly in "FactWork" and the material contained therein can be immediately planned and ordered. This process can be repeated as often as required in accordance with the e-design progress. This means that the added value of electrical planning is used immediately and directly for the procurement of the required material without any manual effort.
"In summary, the integration of EPLAN into the ERP system "FactWork" contributes significantly to the elimination of manual processes, to the simplification of the determination of requirements as well as - due to an earlier start of the procurement process - to the shortening of the overall project duration", is the summary of the F.EE managing director.
Click here to get to the "EPLAN Partner Network": https://www.eplan-software.com/partner/f-ee/
EPLAN provides software and service solutions in the fields of electrical, automation and mechatronic engineering. The company develops one of the world’s leading design software solutions for machine and panel builders. Both standardised as well as customised interfaces to ERP and PLM/PDM systems ensure data consistency along the whole value chain. EPLAN was founded in 1984 and is part of the owner-operated Friedhelm Loh Group. For more information visit: www.eplan.de
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You will find further information in our product brochure.
FactWork brochure (German language)
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